07 300 48 98 98

Our Cattery
Our Philosophy
As cat owners ourselves for over twenty years we treat each cat as if they were our own, and prize ourselves on our first class service and care.
Each cat is special and treated as an individual. We are committed to the happiness, well being and health, of our guest while staying at Jasspurr's.
Cats need more than just a place to stay, and a person to love them.
As a husband and wife team, we care for your cat from arrival to departure no rota employed staff and many different faces. Therefore a continuity of care through the stay. Total attention to detail, cleaning, feeding and care to our guests guarantees that your cat is well looked after, making as much as possible, a home from home for their stay.
It also enables us to pick up on any
potential problems quickly. Your cat gets use to us and we are able to see if your cat starts to behave differently.
All likes and dislikes are taken into account, based on information provided by you, the owner.
Our cattery is situated within our garden and beside a natural pond. During times of hot weather we have a cool gel mats for the cats to lay on also a misting system along the corridor. In winter months the heating is on 24/7 and extra blankets and heat pads are provided if required.
The chalets lead into an individual covered run area with full height sneeze barriers. Chalets are designed with your cat's needs in mind. We know cats like to have a quiet, protected area to hide and sleep, and being able to climb up on different levels. Each chalet is provided with personal storage box if needed, along with oval shaped bed and vet bedding, toys and grooming brushes if required. (You are more than welcome to bring your own if you wish).
Everything that your cat arrives with, goes home and does not then get mislaid.
We encourage owners to settle their cats before leaving and this makes sure everyone is happy. We do much more the feed and clean. We take the time to provide pampering, grooming, stroking and cuddles.
Each chalet area has its own three tier scratching post that all important nail sharpening exercise which doubles up as a look out post. There are breathtaking views over our beautiful natural pond with overhanging trees and an abundance of wildlife in and out the pond. Wild birds nest around the pond and hop in and out the bushes and reeds, whilst the fish keep an eye out for their next feed. Not forgetting our resident ducks and poultry, all of whom are more than happy to entertain our feline guests. Your cats will be able to enjoy the fresh air, listen to music, and watch the world go by....We have single, doubles and family chalets along with isolation facilities if it should be required. As and when the seasonable weather permits all our guests are offered a pot of natural gown wheat grass in their chalets. Some cats owners make the mistake of preventing their cat from eating grass. There are various reasons for this: Owner sometime think it makes their cat ill or upsets their stomach, if their cat vomits. But in fact that is what grass is suppose to do...by eating grass followed by regurgitation is perfectly natural behaviour for all cats. Cats do not possess the ability to separate meat from fur, bones or feathers before eating, so they have to eat the digestible parts along with the indigestible parts. When finished digesting what he can, the rest has to be removed from their system. To try to pass this through the digestive tract could cause obstruction and severe illness so this is where the grass eating comes from. This habit of eating grass triggers the natural process of regurgitation of indigestible foods including its own fur balls which would otherwise obstruct the system. This can appear to us humans as if the cat is being violently ill but this is not the case and is in fact very beneficial.
Curriculum Vitae
(Feline CV !)
This is a good opportunity to involve the children, telling us about the routine for your cat at home, so we can mimic your cats needs while staying.
You can tell us for example if: Your cat likes to be brushed, tummy rubs, an extra blanket to snuggle under. Does he have a favourite toy? If so please bring along. Is your cat a deep thinker and people watcher or a busy bee? Is he very chatty and a great conversationalist with anyone who will listen or happy just sleep the day away. As an owner you will understand and appreciate all this will ensure a happy guest.